Life. You know.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Head Hurts...

And yet I've so been looking forward to finally starting this thing! Oy. Just too many options, I think. Thanks, Google.

Well, here I am. I did it. I started a blog. There are so many theories as to why we feel the need the need to publish our thoughts on the internet; why we need the validation nowadays of viewers and readers as opposed to the sanctity of a journal's private pages...but oh, well. Whether everyone reads this or no one does (though let's be honest, I'd feel sad, I think, if I got no hits at all), I'm glad I'm finally doing this so as to put down on (virtual) paper the random thoughts that pop into my head every day in this great city we call NYC. I mean, have you ever sat down and wondered about all those thoughts you've had, or things you've seen or read or learned throughout your lifetime that meant so much...and then you forgot?

So this is my attempt to hold onto those fleeting least until blogger is taken over again or shut down or becomes a service for which I have to pay. In the meantime, be ready for the random things that make me happy, make me sad, and hopefully make us all think. OK, so probably not, but maybe.

Lots of love always...